Ocean Waves, Part 1

I yearn to be in your presence,

Feel the warmth you provide

Just from being near.


Cleanse my soul

While I drink in your essence

Upon my return

And soak you in.


I promise to visit soon

And we’ll converse

In our own language-

A code

Made up

Of whispers and secrets-

I’ll tell you of all my travels

And listen to your tales

Of everything you’ve witnessed

From around the world.


I can’t wait to see you again…

I’ll catch a glimpse of you in the distance

And you’ll wave,

Just like you always do,

Welcoming me home.



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Isn’t it amazing

How the simplicity

Of water


Has the ability to

Purify the transgressions of the world

And set our minds at ease

To start anew?

The act of falling-

A devastating blow-

Occurs before we build

Ourselves back up.



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You are irresistible with

Those thoughtful eyes

That shadowed smile

And the way you say

“I love you.”

A treat.


I’m drinking you in

Like a warm mug

Of lightly sweetened tea

On a cold winter day.

Cuddle up with me

Like a weighted blanket.

Warm my body

My mind

And my soul.


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Getting Help

I want to tell you

How I’m feeling

But don’t want dependence

To weigh you down.


I want you to see

That I’m hurting.

It should be obvious

Without words.


I want to know

Why nobody is around

When I’m hurting the most

But I don’t want an audience

For my tears.


I want to be heard

But can’t help

Soldiering on in silence.


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The Way We Talk

Words taking flight

On a trip, traveling up my throat

Flitting across my tongue

And playing at the tip

Where they brush past my lips

And escape.

But what happens

When there are no words?

A different form of communication

Evolves without trying.

Your lips on mine-

The pressure, lingering, intensity

All signs that show me

What you want, need, desire.

A secret code, no-

A secret passed

From one pair of lips to another

A conversation that lasts a lifetime.

This language is our own.