
Coming to terms with

How fucked the world is

Assures a trend.

Never give up hope for

Good. It is everywhere-



In search of utopia, humanity

Strives for perfection, not harmony.


Feeding egos and wallets is

Only superficial and temporary. We need

Respect for humanity and our home.


The fate of our

Homes lies in the hands of



Be the change your

Eyes desire to see.

Seek greatness for you and your home.

The future is ours to make or break.



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City Lights

Everything glitters

From motion

From life.


Watch the world

Move around us

As we sit in silence

Thinking about time.


The time when

We discussed the page

We were on

In the book

Of our relationship,

And we ageed

On page 314.


Or when we drove

Through the night

Straight ’til morning

And we struggled

To stay awake together

But pulled through

To watch the sunrise.


We’ve seen so many


And sunsets

And city lights.


And here we are

Watching the lights blur

Past us in a flurry

As we sit

Picture perfect

With my head on your shoulder

And your arm around my waist

Pulling me close

Holding me tight

Forever frozen

In this moment.



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Getting Help

I want to tell you

How I’m feeling

But don’t want dependence

To weigh you down.


I want you to see

That I’m hurting.

It should be obvious

Without words.


I want to know

Why nobody is around

When I’m hurting the most

But I don’t want an audience

For my tears.


I want to be heard

But can’t help

Soldiering on in silence.


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