
A beauty so hypnotic

Poses danger to your existence,

Unless it captures

The attention of a god.


He was so willing to rescue you

You spoiled girl,

He gave you riches

And lavish love.

He saved your life

But you still wanted more.


You lost him

You lustful lover,

Prove you love him

And maybe he’ll forgive you.

Prove you love him

And maybe you can have him back.


You’ve done all there was to do,

But even if you think the competition is over,

You’ll never win this battle

For the green-eyed monster

Is your mother-in-law.



*Posted late because the wordpress app wouldn’t let me post from my phone.

Nightmares on the Wings of Angels

Alone with her thoughts,

She slips-


She dreams of a world

High above where

Everything is beautiful.


Darkness cowers in shadows while

Regal angels soar with


And grace

Making music while children

Sleep soundlessly nearby…


Home. This is their home. The

Envy she feels can’t be suppressed and

Rears it’s devilish head (awakening hidden demons).


Nothing is safe

In this godforsaken He(aven)ll with

Gnarled angels snarling and reaching out to

Her with knife-like claws

To trace sermons on her

Marble skin, marring it

And crushing her bones to make her

Red rivered veins


Shredded in disarray.


“Come here, darling” sighs an

Oil-slick voice

“My children wait to feast on your

Every fear.”


Alone, she stands on

Legs of paper

In the presence of subjective demons

Viciously awaiting her

Encouraged extinction.

Recipe for Disaster

One mistake that could have been prevented

But not easily fixed.

Stir until the bumps begin to smooth out.

Add a dash or glimmer of hope to taste;

Enough that it can still be crushed

But not enough to overpower.

Let sit until it ferments

And spreads

Sinking into the crevices in your brain

Leaving you with nothing

But an aftertaste

Of what could have been.


Sea Foam Bubbles

Pants rolled up and pushed up

Struggling to hold their place around my knees

As we walked side by side

With sand seeping through the holes between our toes

And you looked at me with a smile in your eyes

And shook your head at my childish play-

Feeling at home for the first time in years

I ran out into the ocean but it wanted to keep me there-

The salt clinging to my jeans

Made my body heavy in the frigid water

As you watched me, you in the sand still smiling

And I struggling to get back to you;

Until the ocean sent a wave that carried me back to shore

And chased me away from its edge

Leaving nothing but a trace of the sea foam bubbles at my heels

And you.